The #HireAWoman Series Features Lifestyle and Wardrobe Stylist Joanne Plana-Anderson

Rough, refined, spare or feminine, it all seems to come together in images styled by wardrobe and lifestyle stylist Joanne Plana-Anderson. Whether she's on a shoot with tech leaders like Amazon or Microsoft or sportswear giants like Brooks or Nike, Jo enjoys stretching her style muscles to meet the demands of different clients' aesthetics. This week, we're continuing our article series exploring the talented women of Sally Reps by talking with Jo who graciously divulges some of her favorite resources and style inspirations.

What is the most exciting and creative place you have recently found for wardrobe or props?
For wardrobe, I would have to say either thrifting or anything from Frances May in Portland.  As for props, I usually try to repurpose the most basic, simplest items (mostly raw) and transform them into something special. These objects often come from either my recycling bin or a trip to Home Depot.

How much of your propping is influenced by Instagram or other forms of digital media?
I think for sure Instagram, blogs and the internet are big influences, but I'm always the most inspired by traveling—even if that means just stepping outside and going for a run or even reading a good book and placing myself in the real world—that is when I feel the most creative!

Do you look to other stylists for inspiration?
Yes and no. I look at some stylists who I feel have a similar type of aesthetic to my own and are on top of their game, but I rarely look at stylists that most people think of when they hear the term (like Kate Young who styles celebrities like Selena Gomez). I can't get much inspiration out of a stylist who is putting a celebrity in a Chanel dress. I do find inspiration in colleagues who approach styling by creating and making. Maybe that means a dress came from someone's grandma's closet or a thrift store, but it looks that much cooler.

Are there magazines you look to for creative inspiration?
Sadly, I don't look at magazines as much as I'd like to and not because I don't want to, but because the accessibility of the internet is so much easier! I do love me some Porter Magazine, Vogue and InStyle to name a few.

To see Jo's portfolio, visit
