John Granen makes a trip to Hawaii to photograph the original Ohanapod-A hawaiian house guest's dream!

John Granen recently made a trip to Hawaii for Ready Made Magazine to photograph one architects solution to too many house guests. A snippet of the article below:

Hawaiian Punch
Faced with guests overcrowding their house, one family drafted a plan to put their visitors to work on a sleeping space of their own.

by Andrew Wagner
Photos by John Granen

You wouldn’t think owning a second home in Hawaii would present many problems, but Craig Steely had too much of a good thing: visitors. In 2004, Steely and his wife, Cathy Liu, built Lavaflow 2, fittingly named for its unique placement in a lava field an hour from the town of Hilo on the Big Island. Upon completing the house, the first thing the couple did, of course, was to invite friends from the mainland over for a visit. At 1,400 square feet, Lavaflow 2--and its outdoor covered room, known as a lanai--could adequately accommodate the Steelys and their guests...for a while. When one friend ventured over for an afternoon and ended up staying five days, Steely was motivated to start planning an addition. The scheme for the Ohanapod was born.

Click here for the entire article and more images of the Ohanapod
